Celebrate Johnny Cash's birthday with us!
Join us for an afternoon celebrating Johnny Cash, the Man in Black, with local professor and published author, Ruby Mongno. Doors will open at 2:00 pm for light refreshments and a meet-and-greet with the author. Readings will start at 2:30 pm to be followed by an audience Q&A.
About Ruby M. and her work:
In 2019, Ruby L Mongno published a freshman writing textbook with her co-author, Dr. Ellen Stengel. The book, which focused on highlighting a multiplicity of voices, emphasized the importance of exploring similar pieces of writing by college freshman, Honors College seniors, professional writers and professors. A recurring theme of the text is music, and an essay from esteemed queen of rock Patti Smith opens the text. Join Ruby for a discussion of her research, funded by an American Popular Culture fellowship, on Arkansas' own Johnny Cash. Based on the journals of June Carter Cash, Mongno theorizes an additional reason Cash became the Man in Black. Her essay "Signs: ReContextualizing the Man in Black" serves as a sample profile piece in the book.
The Conway library serves as the headquarters library for the county sytem of six libraries as well as the Faulkner County–Van Buren County Regional Library.